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Fostering and promoting the Visual Arts

throughout Ontario since 1872.

Renew Your Membership (Elected members only)

Please Read This Page Carefully!

The OSA membership fee of $150 is due by May 1st annually.*
The out-of-province membership fee is $35.*

On or about May 1st, you will receive an automated email invoice notifying you that the time to renew your membership is approaching. This message will have a hot link to bring you to your member account on our OSA website. (please note you are not logged in by following the link) Follow the procedure indicated and  complete payment. You will be sent a receipt and an acknowledgment of payment. 

After you login (click the person icon on the top right), PLEASE complete your profile as completely as possible.  View all the tabs and edit as necessary. It is to your advantage to include a phone number, your complete address etc, upload a sample of your art to be shown on the 'featured member' displays.

Click "SAVE" to save your changes.

Please let us know if you are nearing Life Membership.

Please record your password somewhere so it is easier for you to log in. Or you can use  the 'remember me' option below your password. 

We are now using Wild Apricot as our website platform, our membership system and payments and emails. The site is fully secure and enables us to provide everything from one location: our email blasts, membership renewals, online store, website, subscribing contacts, event tickets.  In the near future, we hope also to provide OSA exhibition entry submission. 

Please check your member profile regularly to keep it up to date, including your contact information. 

Your membership will automatically lapse when the current year's fees have not been paid by May 31st. If your membership lapses, you will automatically lose the ability to be listed on the website, and promoted on our website and social media. Please do not let your membership lapse! 

If your fees are overdue(lapsed), when you log in, you will  see a message in the bottom right corner of the webpage and on your profile. You can click this and follow on to pay your fees. If you do not see the message about fees, please contact me (see below) Your benefits will be re-instated at the end of the month in which you pay. 

*Our Constitution states that  the Executive Council may "suspend or cancel the membership of any member whose fees are in arrears for up to one year."

Members who have not paid their dues by the end of the year will be suspended and lose all membership benefits, including the ability to use the OSA designation. Suspended members will need to communicate with a board member or our admin staff. CONTACT US

Best Wishes and enjoy your new website!

Cheryl Bailey,

OSA Membership Director

The Ontario Society of Artists CODE OF CONDUCT

The Code of Conduct is intended to provide a clear understanding of the expectations of OSA members in order to fulfill the OSA’s mission of fostering and promoting the visual arts in Ontario.

As members of the Ontario Society of Artists, we are committed to: 

Interacting with each other in a civil, non-antagonistic , cooperative, and respectful manner avoiding actions which reflect badly on the society.

Respecting the guidelines set out for every exhibition and event.

Acting ethically, legally, truthfully and with integrity and compassion in all our OSA transactions and dealings.

Avoiding conflicts of interest.

Acting as a good citizen of the arts community.

Any Ontario Society of Artists member who breaches the OSA Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action including a warning letter from the executive or possible expulsion from the society. 

Copyright © 2025  Ontario Society of Artists  All rights reserved. 

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