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Fostering and promoting the Visual Arts

throughout Ontario since 1872.

Deceased Members   (Page Under Construction)

Today the OSA is a society of contemporary, practicing artists. We do not have any archivists or evaluators on staff and can not give appraisals. Our archival material resides in the Archives of the Province of Ontario — even so, the documents there relate primarily to the proceedings of the OSA, and does not include historical or biographical information about former members. So if you have a work of art you would like to know more about, our recommendations are that you approach an auction house specializing in Canadian fine art, or find a professional evaluator who specializes in the period of your treasure. Unfortunately, this is not something we can help you with.


Please note that the method of dating below is inconsistent. Sometimes a date range will reference an artist’s entire life; in some cases it is the range of dates that he or she was a member of the OSA.  

*An asterisk indicates that the member served as President of the OSA.

Margaret Walker Aitken 1919-1977
Eric Aldwinckle 1909-1980
*G.W. Allan
Libby Altwerger 1913-1995
Franklin Arbuckle 1909-01001
Geoffrey Armstrong 1928-2018
Derek Aylen 1930-2016
Richard Baigent 1830-1890
Helen Baillie 1916-1984
Conyers Barker 1908-2003
Morton Baslaw 1924-2016
Ed Bartram, 1938-2019
Anthony J. Batten, 1940-2020
John H. Bechtel 1923-1966
*F.M. Bell-Smith 1846-1923
Eleanor Besen 1986-2007
George T. Berthon 1806-1892
Clare Bice 1909-1976
André Biéler 1896-1989
W.D. Blatchly 1838-1903
Viktoras Brickus 1924-1972
*Frederick S. Brigden 1871-1956
Bertram Brooker 1888-1955
Dr. James A. Burstein -2016
Jo Byford 1913-1996
Oscar Cahén 1916-1956
Gil Caldwell passed in 2021
*Frank Carmichael 1890-1945
*Alfred. J. Casson 1898-1992

Ray Cattell passed in  2022

Frederick S. Challener 1869-1959
Mary Cherney -1990
Albert Chiarandini 1915-2007
Rita Choy-Ng  – 2014
Ronald K. Clarke 1981-2007
John Ford Clymer 1907-1989
*Alan Caswell Collier 1911-1990
Charles F. Comfort 1900-1994
Reed Cooper 1931-2006
Rody Kenney Courtice 1895-1973
E.B. Cox 1914-2003
W.N. Creswell 1822-1888
Jean Murray Crozier 1901-1972
William Cruikshank 1848-1922
Krystyna Cseh 1951-2021
Gertrude S. Cutts 1858-1941
William M. Cutts 1857-1943
Anne Dalton 1954-2022
John Delves, 1934-2014
Maria de Nagy -1998
Dora de Pédery Hunt 1913-2008
*Adrian Dingle 1911-1974
June Drutz 1920-2007
Edward Dzenis  -1999
A. Allan Edson 1846-1888
Elizabeth Myles Elliott, 1934-2020
Philippa Faulkner 1917-2001
Saul Field 1912-1987
Phyllis Kurtz Fine 1924-1978
Frederick Finley 1894-1968
Dr Robert Fisher 1923-2000
Wilfrid J. Flood 1904-1946
Kenneth Keith Forbes 1892-1980
Harriet Ford 1859-1939
J.W.L. Forster 1850-1938
Frederick L. Foster 1842-1899
Daniel Fowler 1810-1894
John A. Fraser 1838-1898
Robert F. Gagen 1847-1926
Audrey Garwood, 1927-2004
Joachim Gauthier 1897-1988
Charles Goldhammer 1903-1985
Helen Frances Gregor 1921-1989
*Sir E. Wyly Grier 1862-1957
Julius E.L. Griffith 1912-1997
James Griffiths 1814-1896
Clara S. Hagarty 1871-1958
Frederick Hagan 1918-2003
Gustav Hahn 1866-1962
*Frederick S. Haines 1879-1960
John Hall ? – 2003
J. Sydney Hallam 1899-1953
Herbert Hancock 1830-1882
Michael Hannaford 1832-1891
Jean Hanson 1930 – 2005
*Diana Harding-Tucker 1946 – 2022
Hazel Harvey 1924 – 2003
Hilton MacDonald Hassell 1910-1980
*Peter Haworth 1892-1986
Bobs Cogill Haworth 1904-1988
Frank Hennessey 1893-1941
Rev. R.P.D. Hicks 1903-1973
Gordon Hill ? – 2001
James Hoch 1827-1878
Marjorie Hodgson ?-2018
Elizabeth Bradford Holbrook 1913 – 2009
*Robert Holmes 1861-1930
Sing Hoo 1938-2000
Mercedes Horne 1925 -2011
*Arthur Edward Cleeve Horne 1912-1998
Nicholas Hornyansky 1896-1965
Yvonne McKague Housser 1898-1996
*D. Mackay Houston 1916 – 2004
*W.H. Howland
Dora de Pedery Hunt 1913-2008
John G. Howard 1803-1890
Alfred H. Howard 1854-1916
Julius Humme 1825-1889
Walter E. Huntley 1887-1931
Lawrence Hyde 1914-1988
A.Y. Jackson 1882-1974
Otto R. Jacobi 1812-1901
Phyllis Hipwell Janes 1904-1990
*C.W. Jefferys 1869-1951
Kathleen Johnson ? -1998
Frances Anne Johnston 1910-1987
Minnie Kallmeyer 1882-1947
Isabel Curtin Kann 1922 – 2017

James Alexander Kemp 1914-1983
Estelle M. Kerr 1879-1971
Kemp Kieffer 1921-1999
Cindy Kirsh ? -2005
Brenda Kitz 1921 – 2015
Endel Koks 1912-1983
Augustus A. Kopmanis 1910-1976
G.A. Kulmala 1896-1940
Edward Ledsham 1927-1982
Fionna Legg 1969-2018
Arthur Lismer 1885-1969
Marion Long 1882-1970
Frances Loring 1886-1968
Mary Anne Ludlam 1931 – 2016
Alexandra Luke 1901-1967
Virginia Luz 1911-2005
Laura Muntz Lyall 1860-1930
J.E.H. MacDonald 1873-1932
J.W.G. Macdonald 1897-1960
Evan W. Macdonald 1905-1972
Grant Macdonald 1909-1987
Jack W. MacLaren 1896-1988
John Mlacak  1936 – 2014
Elizabeth Manley 1938-2010
*Charles M. Manly 1855-1924
Nikita Marner ? -1987
Henry D. Martin 1837-1902
T. Mower Martin 1838-1934
E. May Martin 1865-1957
Jack Martin 1904-1965
*Marmaduke Matthews 1839-1913

James Meechan OSA 1966

*Doris McCarthy 1910 – 2010
Helen McClain 1887-1961
Harold W. McCrea 1887-1969
Florence McGillvray 1864-1938
Isabel McLaughlin 1903-2002
Sharon Merkur ? – 2002
Anthony Miles 1932-1986
Alexander S. Millar 1921-1978
John Molnar 1960-2010
Kay Murray-Weber 1911-2007
Rowley W. Murphy 1891-1975
Donald Neddeau -1998
Jeannette Nestel – 1923-2011
Audra Noble – 1951 -2016
Leonard Oesterle   -2009
Lucius O’Brien 1832-1899
Joy Orzy ? – 2003
Herbert S. Palmer 1881-1970
*L.A.C. Panton 1894-1954
Paul Peel 1860-1892
George D. Pepper 1903-1962
Kathleen Daly Pepper 1898-1994
Alan Perkins 1915 -2005
Gordon Peters 1920-2014
Henri Perré 1828-1890
Diana Philpott 1996-2006
Marjorie Pigott 1904-1990
Cara Popescu 1922-1991
Mary Prittie ? -1999
John Stuart Pryce 1940-2022
Rolfe Edmund Pryne 1914-1979
Ethel Raicus 1920-2006
William Redford 18? -1895
Mary Hiester Reid 1854-1921
*George A. Reid 1860-1947
Mary Wrinch Reid 1877-1969
Jack Reppen 1933-1964
William Revell 1830-1902
Thomas Keith Roberts 1908-1998
J.T. Rolph 1831-1916
Joe Rosenthal 1921 – 2018
Ernest Sampson 1887-1946

Margit Sampogna passed Feb 2022

Gill Saward 1934-1983
Oswald Schenk 1918-2002
Mary Schneider 1900-1992
Charlotte Schreiber 1824-1922
Brigitte Schreyer – ? – 2021
William Sherman ? – 2003
Peter C. Sheppard 1882-1965
James A.Smith 1832-1918
Owen “Poe” Staples 1866-1949
Jessica Forbes Steven 1920-2012
Dorothy Stevens 1886-1966
Tom Stone 1894-1978
W.G. Storm 1826-1892
Jack S. Sullivan 1918-1979
Edna Jeannette Taçon 1913-1980
Achille Tarantino ? -1989
Jocelyn Taylor 1899-1992
Louis Temporale 1909-1994
Tom Thomson 1877-1917
George Thomson 1868-1965
Oswald Timmas 1913-2005
Clarence Titcombe 1917-2011
Jean Townsend 1921-2008
Sydney S. Tully 1860-1911
Gerd Untermann ? – 2020
Tony M. Vander Voet 1945-2018
Frederick A. Verner 1836-1928
Joanne Lucas Warren 1946 – 2019
Homer Watson 1855-1936
*Sydney S. Watson 1911-1985
Dora H. Wechsler 1897-1952
Robert R. Whale 1805-1887
Grant A. Whatmough ?-1999
G. Harlow White 1817-1887
Don Wightman 1936 – 2018
*R. York Wilson 1907-1984
Mary Wright 1934-2021
Florence Wyle 1881-1968

Anne Wysmyk passed in 2019

Ed Yadghidijan – 1937-2015
Ming Zhou 1961-2007

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